Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Autumn Years

For this week's post we decided to do a photo essay dedicated entirely to the most beautiful season of the year. While I, Lara, did the effects on all of these photos, East is responsible for some of the lovely leafy shots. Most have been taken in Seoul, though some span back to our trips to islands and tea fields. What do they all have in common? Autumn!

So much depends upon red leaves.

I stood on the bridge at midnight,
Over the river wild and wide.

I want a holiday with a scene,
Of green, green and green.

With wasteful, weak, propitiatory flowers.

The autumnal leaves will colour my face in yellow.

As I disappear.

All alone, except for stone.

Once there was a tree and she loved a little boy.

We are two stubborn people.
Which side do you choose?

All day I hear the noises of water,
Making Moan.

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